How Tech Giant's AI Ambitions Impact Marketers

This Week

  • Long Read: How Tech Giant's AI Ambitions Impact Marketers

  • Around the Web: Funnel Forecasting, Personalization, Job Opps

  • Tool of the week: Sybill for Sales Prospecting

  • Framework: Prioritizing AI Projects

  • News: Economic Impact, AI Empathy & AI Chips

How Tech Giant’s AI Hardware Ambitions are Impacting Marketers 

Tech giants, namely Google, Microsoft, and Meta, are chafing at their dependence on chip maker Nvidia. They’re investing billions in the race to develop their own AI-specific chips.

But will they win?

They may not, but regardless, this cut-throat development is going to reshape how marketing and marketers operate today.

If you’re not paying attention to the struggle for chip-making dominance, you should be, and I’ll tell you why.

Tool of the Week


If you’re looking for a more affordable alternative to Gong, Sybill is a great place to start. It uses AI to analyze sales calls and provide recommendations to sales reps that help them improve their communication, understand prospect needs, and (ultimately) close deals.

Its direct integration with Hubspot is super handy and saves reps from having to enter the account and deal information manually.

You can get started for $49/month per rep. 

Visit the website for more information.

How to Use ChatGPT to Forecast Your Funnel

Using AI for your funnel analytics and forecasting takes the manual work out of data crunching - and who doesn’t want that?

Here’s how you do it. 

  • Use ChatGPT to analyze monthly data across different lifecycle stages and sources

  • Ask it to calculate the current rates and predict future performance

  • Sit back and relax.

For more details, read the full article here.

A 3-Layered Approach to Personalization

According to Mutiny’s Molly Bruckman, to effectively personalize a website based on Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs), you need a layered strategy:

Layer 1 

Broad Personalization: Tailor content broadly for a wider audience to enhance relevance and engagement.

Layer 2 

Segment-Specific Personalization: Target specific audience segments with more tailored experiences based on their unique characteristics.

Layer 3

Individual Personalization: Customize interactions for high-value individual accounts or prospects for maximum engagement.

This approach maximizes website effectiveness, enhances user experience, and drives better conversion rates. By aligning content with visitor needs at different levels, marketers can significantly improve their campaign outcomes.

For the step-by-step guide, you can read the full article here.

AI Workflow Template From Section 4

If you want to use AI to optimize your internal efforts, you’ll first need to brainstorm projects.

This Section 4 template is designed to help you identify org- or department-wide projects you could undertake to improve your internal workflows and do more work faster and more affordably, while maintaining quality.

New Job Opportunities for Marketers

All new technologies give birth to opportunities and job roles that require a unique blend of skills. Look at the World Economic Forum data. You’ll see that the demand for data analysts, digital marketing, and strategists is rising — showing that AI is expanding the job market rather than shrinking it.


  • Total Economic Impact Study Attributes Revenue Increase of $39.5 Million for Brands to Attentive’s AI Marketing Platform. Read more

  • AI And EI: Balancing Empathy And Artificial Intelligence In Marketing. Read more.

  • Nvidia’s Big Tech Rivals Put Their Own A.I. Chips on the Table. Read more.

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