Stuck in a rut? AI Can Spark Your Inner Genius

This Week

  • Stuck in a rut? AI can spark your inner genius

  • 3 essential drills to build your team’s AI skills

  • Generative AI unicorns on the rise

  • An AI adoption guide for CMOs

  • 64 AI prompts for work and life

  • Disney bots steal the show

Stuck In a Rut? AI Can Spark Your Inner Genius

Source: Midjourney

In his latest article, I, Cyborg: Using Co-Intelligence, Ethan Mollick explores a concept gaining traction: human and AI co-intelligence. It focuses on the idea that humans and AI can collaborate to achieve better results than either can achieve alone.

He uses his writing workflow to demonstrate the idea: when he feels stuck, the AI's suggestions spark new ideas and help him move beyond his initial focus. It acts as a brainstorming partner, offering unexpected perspectives.

I use AI every day, from brainstorming ideas and explaining complex theories to analyzing data and designing webpages. ChatGPT gives me constructive feedback on my work, and Gemini rates my campaign headlines. Midjourney generates my images in seconds.

Mollick's exploration of co-intelligence paints a promising future with our AI collaborators standing at the ready. With our unique creativity and intuition and AI's tireless analysis and knowledge, Mollick claims we can unlock a new era of innovation, problem-solving, and human potential.

3 Essential Drills to Build Your Team’s AI Skills

Source: Section 4

Section 4 outlines three drills to help teams build their AI fluency. These exercises can help folks create better prompts, evaluate AI responses critically, and incorporate AI into daily operations. 

For marketers, these drills can lead to better campaign ideas, optimized strategy development, and streamlined workflows. 

The three drills are:

  1. Prompting Practice: By focusing on crafting specific prompts, teams can enhance their AI interactions and get better results.

  2. Scenario Simulation: Simulating real-world scenarios where humans and AI partner to make decisions encourages strategic thinking.

  3. Workflow Integration: Embedding AI into daily operations helps streamline processes, emphasizing efficiency and productivity.

For the full set of drills, visit Section 4.

Generative AI Unicorns on the Rise

Source: CB Insights

According to CB Insights, 2023 was a record year for generative AI investment. Companies invested five times more than the year before, and deals increased by 66%. This led to a surge in new startups and big tech companies getting involved.

There are already 36 genAI companies to hit unicorn status.

As the technology evolves, companies are aggressively building generative AI capabilities to meet the demand from businesses looking to adopt it. This is driving an expansion of genAI use cases, from tech to secure LLMs to models tailored to specific domains. Just look at the proliferation of AI-driven marketing platforms available today.

CB Insights breaks down the generative AI landscape across funding trends, top-valued startups, most active VCs, and more.

Access the report at CB Insights here.

An AI Adoption Guide for CMOs

Source: Jasper

Implementing AI at your company requires a strategic approach to get the most benefits (and to mitigate your risks). Jasper outlines an easy-to-follow framework to guide you through the process:

  • Pilot Program: Start with a small-scale project to assess AI's capabilities and potential impact on operations.

  • Full Adoption: Expand the use of AI technologies across different departments, leveraging insights gained from the pilot to inform broader implementation.

  • Measure ROI: Evaluate the return on investment to understand your AI initiatives' effectiveness and financial impact.

  • AI Council: Establish a governance body to ensure AI is used responsibly and ethically, aligning with your company values.

Jasper says this framework lays the groundwork for successful AI integration — improving decision-making, operational efficiency, and customer engagement. 

For the full guide, visit the Jasper website

64 AI Prompts for Work and Life

Source: Anthropic

Anthropic’s new prompt library includes 64 prompts for business and personal tasks, including marketing strategies, content ideas, designing visuals, and developing a brand identity.

You can cut and paste the prompt into your chatbot of choice and enjoy perfectly crafted outputs (or so they promise).

Grab them at Anthropic.

Disney Bots Steal the Show

Nvidia is hosting its annual artificial intelligence conference this week, and CEO Jensen Huang invited two surprise guests to the stage.

Huang made several big announcements, from new partnerships to the successor of the H100 chip — but the Star Wars droids from Disney stole the show.

The orange and green BD-X robots were on stage to demonstrate Nvidia’s latest chip and training models. While the tech is impressive, it’s the cuteness factor that really counts.


Disney Bots quickly stole the spotlight from #NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang as he welcomed “special guests” Orange and Green BD-X robots to demo... See more

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